THE WOODS LIVE: CD Release Concert Alexander Grant Music

By Alexander Grant Music (other events)

Friday, June 16 2017 7:00 PM 9:00 PM CDT

Come join Alexander Grant as he releases his new CD with Redeeming Music titled The Woods. With your admission you get A FREE copy of the Album! Come and journey through "the woods" with Alexander. 


Tickets are $15 with FREE CD!


Doors open 6:30

Concert starts 7:00


About the night:

The core of this album stems from Psalm 42 and takes us on a journey through a forest which signify's our life. The songs represent experiences we have along the way as we discover new beauty's that God has laid out for us to embrace. Come and worship with Alexander and his full band as they plays through songs from this new album, from "Presence" and a number of corporate worship songs that have been constant through the process of producing the album! This night although a CD Release wildly be a night of receiving refreshment, hope and peace as we seek the Father through "the woods" he has grown in front of all of us! 



A message from the artists:


Hey guys, WOW. The processes of making this second album has been a a year and half in the making. This past season has been full of victories and failures, leaps of faith and sudden lose, mounting top high and emotional deep dark lows. And through it all, every minute every tear, every heart brake and stone laboured over...there has been but one constant...Father, my Heavenly Father. He has walked with me through drought, and held me in my grief, He has spoken to me in times of uncertainty and cruised with me in times of depression. And looking back I wouldn't change a single thing I experienced because through it all has been birthed this project... The Woods. I honestly believe these songs are the best I have every been able to offer; that doesn't mean they are perfectly or the most amazing songs. But for me they are the best I can do right now and that's all I can give. I truly hope these songs will bring you as much peace and grace as I have received from writing them!